spring is right around the corner

It seems everyone is a little winter weary these days, and that spring can’t come soon enough. Following a week of maddening weather forecasts and a weekend of record breaking low temperatures I found this photo from my travels to NYC in December perfectly apropos.


A new year, a new photography project. For 2011, my friend Chris and I are collaborating on a fun new project called photomot.

photomot (n) /foh toh moh/
we love photos. we love words. each week we choose a word. each week we take a photograph inspired by that word. at the end of the week we surprise each other with our photos (and magic) create a single image.

Here are our first two diptychs. More will come as the year unfolds. Enjoy!



oregon coast

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, but there’s something about the ocean – the waves, the sand, the wide-open views, the dramatic weather, the daily treasure hunt at low tide.

I’ve seen my share of oceans and coasts and definitely have my favorites – puerto vallara, singing beach and martha’s vineyard just to name a few.

But there’s something about the Oregon Coast that penetrates my soul – kind of like a first love. I guess that’s what this coast is for me – the one I fell in love with first. I spent weekends, spring breaks and whole summers at the Oregon coast, but since moving back I’ve only visited once or twice. Tragic really and something I plan to remedy.

I started with Gearhart, a small town on the northern Oregon coast, where I spent a recent weekend with a bunch of friends at a beautiful historic home perched next to the dunes. I could have stayed for another week or month, but even those few days made me fall in love all over again.

ice ice baby

There’s a little shop in New York City that is like heaven on earth. I don’t leave the city without stopping in and I always leave with things that are beautiful in their simplicity. This year’s trip to MUJI was too fruitful for words.

I found a grey tweed sunglasses case, a navy blue and white striped scarf that I haven’t stopped wearing… and just what every former graphic designer who’s obsessed with typography dreams about – a rubber ice/jello mold with all the letters of the alphabet. Can’t wait until summer – jello season!

i left my heart

When winter has just about hammered you into the ground – you know you’re all hunched over and you can’t remember what it felt like to walk outside without every inch covered – then it’s time to head south. I didn’t even need to go that far south, just to the bay area, but it was just what I needed.

Soon after landing the famous first line from The Outsiders washed over my mind. “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home…” Like Ponyboy I was also getting ready to hitch a ride, but couldn’t think of anything else but what it felt like to breathe warm sweet spring air. I think I stood there breathing in and out for a good five minutes.

Though in town for work, I also carved out time to catch up with my dear friends Tucker and Gretchen – a couple days in Berkeley followed by a couple days in San Francisco. Just what the doctor ordered! And after all that sunshine and warm weather, spa visits, good food and friends I definitely left my heart in San Francisco.

Smiling Midas

Tucker’s beautiful home designed by Julia Morgan, the architect whose work on Hearst Castle I researched for two years

Drinking bourbon and playing darts with Chris and Jay

Gorgeous shop windows in San Francisco

Eating at the bar

Olives and oranges